Ralph Thomann is a freelance expert in Germany and abroad.
From 1965 to 1969, he trained as a chemical technician worker and was soap maker in soap factory Riesa. It was followed by the study of chemistry at the University of Leipzig, which was successfully completed with a thesis on the synthesis of photosensitive heterocyclic aromatics. A postgraduate at the Department of Organic Chemistry University of Pedagogical Potsdam for the synthesis of novel heterocyclic pesticides was completed on schedule in 1973 with the predicate “magna cum laude” for promotion.
He has got a certificate for education in pedagogics and psychology to be a teacher at colleges.
Ralph Thomann for 39 years held senior positions at the active national and international practical research institute IGV Potsdam-Rehbrücke. The range of services based on his work for this institute, partners and clients.
The activities as a consultant on commercial and unsalaried basis begin with reaching the age of 65.